Menopause Problems and Symptoms
The following article gives information about menopause and the related articles below give further information on menopause symptoms etc. Research suggests that menopause difficulties can be eased naturally.
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Menopause - It really can be a new beginning!
Menopause is defined in the Dictionary as "a cessation of menstruation".
As a word and definition, nothing could be more incomplete and misleading. In Ancient times, a woman who had passed through this stage of her life was regarded as a Wise Woman. In many civilisations she was revered and even worshipped. In today's society, this final and fulfilling stage of a woman's life is looked upon with dread and loathing. It is regarded as an end of life instead of what it really is - a great new beginning.
Vainly, oestrogen is heaped on to this woman in an effort to keep her "young", not realising that a woman, entering the menopause years, is fulfilling her full promise as a woman. Most treatments focus on replacing the oestrogen or progesterone that is now not being produced by the body.
In fact, during the transition period, not only the adrenal but all the other glands in the endocrine system take over and create, in the body, a very different mix for the post-menopausal woman. The woman who emerges from Menopause is different and has other things to be and do. The body recognises this and does not need to be fed hormones needed for a younger person but a mix of natural herbs that will help her body through the change.
Her whole endocrine system needs to be nourished so that it will fulfil its purpose. Modern diets, water, air and exercise do not, however, prepare the body for the change. Modern food does not contain enough of the much needed ingredients to help the endocrine system. Consequently, some modern woman have some or all of several unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, fibroids, emotional swings, headaches, aching joints, sleep disturbances and even incontinence.
There are various Herbal Supplements and Remedies that can be used which contain the much needed natural and organic substances not found in modern food, which are needed to help the Menopause Woman in her transition to the most fulfilling and creative part of a woman's life.

Menopausal Myths and Facts
Myth: Menopause makes women emotionally unstable.
Fact: Most women experience no emotional problems; those that occur can be treated.
Myth: Menopause puts an end to sexual desire.
Fact: Vaginal dryness can make intercourse painful, reducing desire, but this is readily treated with vaginal lubricants or oestrogen creams. Menopause itself can affect libido either positively or negatively; some women actually have increased libido with menopause.
Myth: Menopause disrupts a woman's life.
Fact: Most women experience few or no menopausal problems; 25 percent have moderate, treatable symptoms. In countries where age is respected, women report the fewest symptoms during menopause.

With menopause, it can sometimes seem that one's normal life is coming to a sudden dramatic end. That's not the case at all. Often these changes occur gradually and things settle down and you practically feel like you are getting a fresh start.
Menstrual Problems and difficulties
Vitex agnus-castus is also known as Chasteberry and agnus castus. It helps with female hormonal imbalances. In women it is used in the treatment of PMS irritability, breast pain and water retention. Often used with sage for hot flushes. When coming off the pill it has been known to help restore a regular menstrual cycle, or when the cycle has been disrupted.
Hormonally, it acts on the pituitary gland in the brain stimulating the release of lutenizing hormone, which stimulates the production of progesterone. Hence its somewhat dampening effect on men! It is still used in some monasteries to help the monks keep to their vows of chastity. The best time to take this herb is in the morning, before breakfast.
Lemon Balm is often used for menstrual problems as it has a calming and regulating effect in the menstrual cycle. It helps ease menstrual cramps and alleviates scanty menstruation and abnormal absence of menstruation.
Ginger contains at least six pain-relieving compounds and six anti-cramping compounds. In some cultures it has been used, in large doses, to induce menstruation.
Marigold stimulates menstruation. It also reduces muscle tension and spasm. Marigold used in conjunction with Yarrow could help to regulate menstruation, and sage forms a good tonic for menstrual cramps and pain.
Sage will help with hot flushes, menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual painful breasts. Feverfew as well as being good for headaches is an emmenagogue: increases menstrual flow. Peppermint will ease bloating and pain during menstruation.